John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ئاپەکان

The Journal of Finance 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The premiere journal in Finance is now available on your Androidphone or tablet. Fresh from Google Play, “Journal of Finance”brings you leading research across all the major fields offinancial research. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and readingexperience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in financial research even faster: - Stay current withthe latest articles through Early View - Be notified when newissues are available - Save your favorite articles for quick andeasy access, including offline - Includes links to compatiblesupporting information (not available offline) - Share articleswith colleagues or students The Journal of Finance publishesleading research across all the major fields of financial research,including: - Financial markets - International Finance - Tradingand Derivatives - Financial instruments - Corporate finance -Public finance - Banks and banking - Financial regulation - Financehistory The Journal of Finance is the most widely cited academicjournal on finance. Each issue of the journal reaches over 8,000academics, finance professionals, libraries, government andfinancial institutions around the world. Published six times ayear, the journal is the official publication of The AmericanFinance Association, the premier academic organization devoted tothe study and promotion of knowledge about financial economics. TheJournal of Finance is owned by The American Finance Association,the premier academic organization devoted to the study andpromotion of knowledge about financial economics and published byWiley.
Angewandte Chemie
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading chemistry journal is now available on your Androidsmartphone or tablet. Angewandte Chemie brings you a stimulating,high-impact mixture of Review Articles, Highlights, Communications,and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,and keep up to date with the most important developments inchemical research even faster: • Be notified when a new article onyour favorite topic, or a weekly issue is available. • Downloadarticles and issues for offline perusal. • Save your favoritearticles for quick and easy access. • Share articles withcolleagues or students. • Access your personal or institutionalsubscription on your device. Angewandte Chemie covers all areas ofchemistry: - Organic and Medicinal Chemistry - Inorganic andOrganometallic Chemistry - Catalysis - Sustainable Chemistry andEnergy Research - Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanoscience -Physical and Computational Chemistry - Materials Science andPolymer Chemistry - Biochemistry and Chemical Biology - Analyticaland Bioanalytical Chemistry Reviews summarize the important resultsof recent research on topical subjects in all branches ofchemistry, point to unresolved problems and discuss possibledevelopments. The Essays freely address themes from every aspect ofchemistry, including the philosophy or history of science. Conciseevaluations of current trends in chemical research can be found inthe Highlights. In the Editorials, eminent authors discuss topicssuch as research politics, the relationship of chemistry andsociety, and chemical education. Communications are criticallyselected and report on the latest research, making the journalindispensable to the chemist who wants to stay well informed.Angewandte Chemie also regularly publishes Nobel lectures inchemistry and related fields. Angewandte Chemie is owned by theGesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Chemical Society, GDCh) andpublished by Wiley-VCH. We are looking forward to your feedback.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eine führende Chemie-Zeitschrift ist jetzt für Android-Smartphonesund -Tablets erhältlich. Die "Angewandte Chemie" bringt Ihnen eineanregende Mischung aus Aufsätzen, Highlights, Zuschriften und mehrmit nachhaltigem Einfluss. Genießen Sie ein vollständig neuesErlebnis beim Blättern und Lesen und bleiben Sie noch schneller aufdem Laufenden mit den wichtigsten Entwicklungen in der chemischenForschung: - Lassen Sie sich benachrichtigen, sobald ein neuerArtikel zu einem Thema oder ein neues Heft erscheint - Laden SieArtikel und Hefte und lesen Sie offline. - Speichern Sie diewichtigsten Artikel und greifen Sie jederzeit leicht und schnelldarauf zu. - Teilen Sie Artikel mit Kollegen, Mitarbeitern undStudierenden. Die "Angewandte Chemie" deckt alle Themen in derChemie ab: - Organische und medizinische Chemie - Anorganische undmetallorganische Chemie - Katalyse - Nachhaltige Chemie und Energie- Supramolekulare Chemie und Nanowissenschaften - Physikalische undtheoretische Chemie - Materialwissenschaften und Polymerchemie -Biochemie und chemische Biologie - Analytische und bioanalytischeChemie Aufsätze fassen wichtige Ergebnisse zusammen, weisen aufungelöste Fragen hin und diskutieren mögliche Entwicklungen. InEssays werden Themen aus allen Bereichen der Chemie einschließlichder Wissenschaftsphilosophie und der Wissenschaftsgeschichte freibehandelt. In Highlights werden sehr wichtige neue Ergebnisse undTrends geschildert und ihre Bedeutung erläutert. In Editorialsdiskutieren bedeutende Autoren Themen wie Forschungspolitik, dieBeziehung zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft und Bildung. DieZuschriften werden sorgfältig ausgewählt und berichten über neuesteForschungsergebnisse und machen die Zeitschrift unentbehrlich fürChemiker, die gut informiert sein wollen. Die Angewandte Chemie isteine Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker und wird vonWiley-VCH publiziert.
New Phytologist
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
New Phytologist offers rapid publication of high quality, originalresearch in plant science. Falling within four sections –Physiology & Development, Environment, Interaction andEvolution – articles cover topics that range from intracellularprocesses through to global environmental change.Cross-disciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged and it isrecognized that techniques from molecular and cell biology, andfunctional genomics through to modelling and system-basedapproaches will be applied across the whole spectrum of plantscience. These high quality, original research articles, reviews –including Tansley reviews and insights – rapid reports, and moreare now available on your mobile device. Enjoy an entirely newbrowsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with the mostimportant developments in plant science research even faster: -Stay current with the latest articles through Early View - Benotified when new issues are available Download articles andissues, and read offline - Save your favourite articles for quickand easy access - Share articles with colleagues or students -Current subscribers to New Phytologist can ‘pair’ their device withtheir personal or institutional subscription to enjoy full access.
Nachrichten aus der Chemie
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Die Nachrichten aus der Chemie sind die Mitgliederzeitschrift derGesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker und werden von nahezu 60.000anspruchsvollen Chemikern und Chemikerinnen aus Wissenschaft undWirtschaft gelesen. Sie informieren sich mit den Nachrichten überwichtige Entwicklungen in der Chemie, in angrenzendenWissenschaften, über gesellschaftliche Aspekte und die Aktivitätenund Angebote der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker mit ihrenFachgruppen und Ortverbänden. Kennzeichen der Zeitschrift sind dasbreite Spektrum der Berichte, das einmalige Informationsangebot anPersonalien, Veranstaltungs- und Fortbildungsterminen sowie dergroße Stellenmarkt. Bestehende Abonnenten der Nachrichten aus derChemie können ihr Gerät ohne weitere Kosten mit ihrem persönlichenoder institutionellen Abonnement verknüpfen. Mitglieder der GDChloggen sich mit den Daten für MyGDCh ein und erhalten ebenfallskostenlos vollen Zugriff auf die Beiträge. - Lassen Sie sichbenachrichtigen, sobald ein neuer Artikel zu einem Thema oder einneues Heft erscheint - Laden Sie Artikel und Hefte und lesen Sieoffline. - Speichern Sie die wichtigsten Artikel und greifen Siejederzeit leicht und schnell darauf zu. - Teilen Sie Artikel mitKollegen, Mitarbeitern und Studierenden.
BJOG: An Intl. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading gynaecology and obstetrics journal is now available onyour Android device. “BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetricsand Gynaecology” brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture ofsystematic reviews, RCTs, original research, expert commentaries,women's health updates, communications, and more. Enjoy an entirelynew browsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with themost important developments in obstetrics and gynaecology researcheven faster: - Stay current with the latest articles through EarlyView – updated almost daily. - Full Screen Figure and Table Viewer- Be notified when a new issue is available. - Download articlesand issues for offline perusal. - Save your favorite articles forquick and easy access. - Share articles with colleagues orstudents.
Equine Veterinary Education
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Download the EVE app to keep up to date with the latest content
BJCP 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, one of the leadingclinical pharmacology journals in the world, is now available onyour Android device. Fresh from the Newsstand, the “BJCP” app keepsyou up to date with all the latest international news andpeer-reviewed clinical research. Download the app today, and enjoya new browsing and reading experience, where you can: • Downloadand read BJCP’s most recent issues • Be notified when a new issueis available • Save your favourite articles for quick and easyaccess offline • Browse and bookmark articles from all availableissues • Share links to your favourite articles with colleagues
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This leading journal is now available on your Android device.“Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology” brings you a stimulating,high-impact mixture of original research papers, systematic andnarrative reviews, editorial and opinion articles, case reports andletters, and more. UOG publishes articles focused on, but notlimited to, the following topics: - Maternal–fetal medicine:prenatal diagnosis; fetal development; fetal treatment and therapy;the placenta; pregnancy complications - Gynecology: screening anddiagnosis of cancer; infertility; menopause; the cervix - Imagingtechnologies: gray-scale; Doppler; 3D and 4D ultrasound; magneticresonance imaging Enjoy an entirely new browsing and readingexperience by using the app, and keep up to date with the mostimportant developments in research even faster: - Stay current withthe latest articles through Early View - Be notified when a newissue is available. - Download articles and issues for offlineperusal. - Save your favorite articles for quick and easy access. -Share articles with colleagues or students.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A prestigious Obstetrics and Gynaecology journal is now availableon your iPad and iPhone. Fresh from the newsstand, “TheObstetrician and Gynaecologist” brings you a high-impact mixture ofEducational Review articles, complete with CPD questions for eachissue. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, andkeep up to date with the most important developments in obstetricsand gynaecology: - Stay current with the latest articles throughEarly View - Receive alerts when new issues are available (opt in)- Save your favorite articles for quick and easy access, includingoffline - Dynamic References show references in context - Fullscreen figure and table viewer - Share article abstract and linkvia email
Nutrition & Dietetics
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Nutrition & Dietetics is the official journal of the DietitiansAssociation of Australia. Covering all aspects of food, nutritionand dietetics, the Journal provides a basic forum for thereporting, discussion and development of scientifically credibleknowledge related to human nutrition and dietetics. Widelyrespected in Australia and around the world, Nutrition &Dietetics is Australia's leading peer-reviewed journal in itsfield. The Journal publishes original research, review papers,insights – short papers on findings from demonstrating practice,letters, book reviews and conference reports.
Journal of Neurochemistry
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Stay current with the latest articles through Early View - Benotified when new issues are available - Save your favoritearticles for quick and easy access, including offline - Browseissues before you decide to download them - Share articles withcolleagues or students Edited by Jörg B. Schulz Journal ofNeurochemistry continues to be a leading source for research intoall aspects of neuroscience, with a particular focus on molecular,cellular and biochemical aspects of the nervous system, thepathogenesis of neurological disorders and the development ofdisease specific biomarkers. Journal of Neurochemistry is devotedto the prompt publication of original findings of the highestscientific priority and value that provide novel mechanisticinsights and represent a clear advance over previous studies. Eachfortnightly issue consists of 15-20 full-length presentations ofsignificant original findings, and also reviews, submitted byinvestigators at renowned medical and research institutionsthroughout the world. Journal of Neurochemistry publishes NarrativeReviews of current topics and Pre-Clinical Systematic Reviews thatanalyse animal data in the style of clinical literature with theintention to inform the planning and improve the likelihood ofsuccess of future clinical trials.
Equine Veterinary Journal
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This leading journal is now available on your Android device.Equine Veterinary Journal publishes evidence to improve clinicalpractice or expand scientific knowledge underpinning equineveterinary medicine. It publishes peer-reviewed articles withoriginal and potentially important findings. Contributions arereceived from sources worldwide. Enjoy an entirely new browsing andreading experience by using the app, and keep up to date with themost important developments in research even faster: - Stay currentwith the latest articles through Early View - Be notified when anew issue is available. - Download articles and issues for offlineperusal. - Save your favorite articles for quick and easy access. -Share articles with colleagues or students.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Anaesthesia journal app keeps you up to date with all thelatest research, covering aspects of general and regionalanaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research onequipment. Download the app today to enjoy an entirely new browsingand reading experience, where you can: - Download and readAnaesthesia’s most recent issues - Get immediate access to newcontent - Select keywords for tailored content alerts - Save yourfavourite articles for quick and easy access offline - Browse,search and bookmark articles from all available issues - Browse andzoom in on images - Share links to your favourite articles withcolleagues and friends
European Jnl of Neuroscience
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
EJN is the journal of the Federation of European NeuroscienceSocieties (FENS), published in association with Wiley. All theprofits FENS receives from EJN, are used to sponsor FENS activitiesand EJN is fully accessible to Society for Neuroscience members andto members of all the societies affiliated to FENS. EJN publishesoriginal research articles and reviews in the broad fields ofmolecular, cellular, systems, behavioral, and cognitiveneurosciences. EJN aims to advance our understanding of the nervoussystem in health and disease, thereby improving the diagnosis andtreatment of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.About the App: - Stay up-to-date with the latest articles throughEarlyView - Receive alerts when new issues are available - Downloadarticles and issues for offline use - Save your favorite articlesfor quick and easy access - Browse issues before you decide todownload them - Share articles with colleagues or students
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
TRANSFUSION, the foremost publication in the world for newinformation regarding transfusion medicine, is now available onyour Android device. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and readingexperience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in transfusion research even faster: - Stay currentwith the latest articles through Early View - Receive alerts whennew issues are available (opt in) - Download articles and issuesfor offline perusal - Save your favorite articles for quick andeasy access, including offline - Browse issues before you decide todownload them - Dynamic References show references in context -Full screen figure and table viewer - Share article abstract andlink via email - Share figures or tables via email TRANSFUSION isAABB’s scholarly, peer-reviewed monthly journal, publishing on thelatest technological advances, clinical research, and controversialissues related to transfusion medicine, cellular and genetherapies, and tissue transplantation. Each issue addresses topicssuch as clinical transfusion, immunology, genetics, cellulartherapy, and hematology. In addition to a supplement containingAnnual Meeting abstracts, other supplements focus on key conferenceproceedings and single-topic content not readily availableelsewhere.
European Jnl of Heart Failure
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Read this leading heart failure journal while on the move. EJHFbrings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture of Reviews, ResearchArticles, Editorials, Letters, and more. Enjoy a new browsing andreading experience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in heart failure research, diagnosis and treatment: -Stay current with the latest articles through Early View - Downloadarticles and issues for offline reading - Be notified when each newmonthly issue is available - Get alerts when articles using yourselected keywords are published - Save your favorite articles forquick and easy access - Share articles, figures and tables withcolleagues or students via email - Full screen figure and tableviewer - Check references while reading without losing your placeEuropean Journal of Heart Failure is the international journal ofthe Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiologydedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of heartfailure. EJHF publishes reviews and editorials that improve theunderstanding, prevention, investigation and treatment of heartfailure. Molecular and cellular biology, pathology, physiology,electrophysiology, pharmacology, as well as the clinical, socialand population sciences all form part of the discipline that isheart failure. Accordingly, manuscripts on basic, clinical andpopulation sciences are published, as are contributions on nursing,care of the elderly, primary care, health economics and otherspecialist fields related to heart failure.
Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cyt 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Read high-impact research articles from leading clinical cytometryjournal
Veterinary Ophthalmology 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This app offers the latest 12 months of journal content. A fullsample issue and the abstracts of all articles are available toeveryone. Subscribers to the journal with access through a societymembership, institution, or personal subscription may link theirsubscription to unlock the full contents of all available issues.
Journal of the RSS Series B
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading statistics journal is now available on your Androiddevice! Fresh from the newsstand, “Journal of the Royal StatisticalSociety – Series B: Statistical Methodology” brings you astimulating, high-impact mixture of original articles. Enjoy anentirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up to datewith the most important developments in statistics research evenfaster: - Stay current with the latest articles through Early View- Receive alerts when new issues are available (opt in) - Downloadarticles and issues for offline perusal - Save your favoritearticles for quick and easy access, including offline - DynamicReferences show references in context - Links to compatiblesupporting information for articles (not available offline) - Sharearticle abstract and link via email - Share figures or tables viaemail - Access your personal or institutional subscription to JRSSSeries B: Statistical Methodology on your Android device(institutional subscribers require “roaming access” setup on WileyOnline Library) - No subscription? Abstracts are freely availableand some full content, plus a free sample issue, is included.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading dermatology journal is now available on your Androiddevice. “Clinical and Experimental Dermatology” brings you astimulating, high-impact mixture of Review Articles, Highlights,Communications, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing andreading experience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in chemical research even faster: - Stay current withthe latest articles through Early View - Receive alerts when newissues are available (opt in) - Download articles and issues foroffline perusal - Save your favorite articles for quick and easyaccess, including offline - Browse issues before you decide todownload them - Dynamic References show references in context -Full screen figure and table viewer - Links to compatiblesupporting information for articles (not available offline) - Sharearticle abstract and link via email - Share figures or tables viaemail - No subscription? Abstracts are freely available and somefull content, plus a free sample issue, is included.
Groundwater App
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Groundwater app is now available on your Android device!
Allergy App 1.0.2134
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading allergy journal is now available on your Android device.“Allergy” app is the leading source of information on basic andclinical allergy and immunology. Enjoy an entirely new browsing andreading experience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in allergy research even faster: • Stay current withthe latest articles through Early View • Be notified when a newissue is available • Download your favourite articles for quick andeasy access offline • Browse, search and bookmark articles from allavailable issues • Share links to your favourite articles withcolleagues and friends The aim of Allergy is to promote andmaintain contact between basic and clinical allergy and immunology.Allergy is an international journal with contributors and readersin all countries. Allergy publishes original articles, reviews,position papers, and short communications (AllergyNet). Originalarticles of special interest are accompanied by editorial comments.The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) isan association including 42 National Societies, more than 7,400academicians, research investigators and clinicians aimed at: -promoting basic and clinical research - collecting, assessing anddisseminating scientific information - functioning as a scientificreference body for other scientific, health and politicalorganisations - encouraging and providing training and continuouseducation - promoting good patient care in this important area ofmedicine.
British Journal of Dermatology
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The leading dermatology journal is now available on your Androiddevice.The British Journal of Dermatology brings you high-impactdermatological research, reviews, concise communications, casereports and correspondence. Enjoy an entirely new browsing andreading experience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in dermatological research even faster: - Stay currentwith the latest articles through Early View – updated almost daily.- Be notified when a new monthly issue is available. - Downloadarticles and issues for offline perusal. - Save your favoritearticles for quick and easy access. - Share articles withcolleagues or students. Access your BAD member, personal orinstitutional subscription to BJD on your device BJD strives topublish the highest quality dermatological research. In so doing,the journal aims to advance understanding, management and treatmentof skin disease and improve patient outcomes. BJD invitessubmissions under a broad scope of topics relevant to clinical andexperimental research and publishes original articles, reviews,concise communications, case reports and items of correspondence.The article categories within the journal are: cutaneous biology;clinical and laboratory investigations; contact dermatitis &allergy; dermatological surgery & lasers; dermatopathology;epidemiology & health services research; paediatricdermatology; photobiology; and therapeutics. BJD is the officialjournal of the British Association of Dermatologists and is editedby Alex Anstey (Cardiff)
ChemMedChem 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading medicinal chemistry journal is now available on yourAndroid tablet or smartphone. ChemMedChem brings you a stimulatingmixture of Reviews, Highlights, Original Research Articles, andmore. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, andkeep up to date with the most important developments in chemicalresearch even faster: • Stay current with the latest articlesthrough Early View – updated almost daily. • Be notified when a newarticle on your favorite topic, or a new issue is available. •Download articles and issues for offline perusal. • Save yourfavorite articles for quick and easy access. • Share articles withcolleagues or students. • Access your personal or institutionalsubscription on your device. Quality research. Outstandingpublications. ChemMedChem is a top journal for research at theinterface of chemistry, biology, and medicine. ChemMedChem is madein Europe, but publishes primary as well as critical secondary andtertiary information from authors across and for the world. Itsmission is to integrate the wide and flourishing fields ofmedicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences, covering topicsranging from drug discovery and design to drug development anddelivery, from molecular modeling to combinatorial chemistry, fromtarget validation to lead generation and ADMET studies—to name justa few. ChemMedChem is a journal of ChemPubSoc Europe. ChemMedChempublishes an attractive mixture of: - Full Papers andCommunications - Reviews and Minireviews - Highlights and Concepts- Book and Multimedia Reviews
Transplant International
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading transplantation journal is now available on your Androiddevice. Transplant International brings you a stimulating mixtureof clinical and experimental research as well as Review Articles,Invited Commentaries, Editorials and Letters to the Editor. Enjoyan entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up todate with the most important developments in transplantation: -Stay current with the latest articles through Early View. - Benotified when a new monthly issue is available. - Download articlesand issues for offline perusal. - Save your favorite articles forquick and easy access. - Share articles with colleagues orstudents. About the Journal Transplant International is theofficial journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation(ESOT) and the German Transplantation Society (DTG). The journalprovides a forum for clinical and experimental research on thebiology, physiology and immunology of both tissue and organtransplantation. Transplant International is published in twelveissues a year. About the Society ESOT aims to become the umbrellaorganization under which all European transplant activities areorganised, it trains and supports members through an extensiveeducational and basic science programme and encourages excellencethrough awards/grants.
Respirology Case Reports
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading open-access case reports journal in respiratory medicineis now available on your Android device. "Respirology Case Reports”is affiliated with "Respirology", the official journal of the AsianPacific Society of Respirology. Enjoy an entirely new browsing andreading experience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in clinical respiratory medicine even faster: - Staycurrent with the latest articles through Early View - Receivealerts when new issues are available (opt in) - Download articlesand issues for offline perusal - Save your favorite articles forquick and easy access, including offline - Browse issues before youdecide to download them - Dynamic References show references incontext - Full screen figure and table viewer - Links to compatiblesupporting information for articles (not available offline) - Sharearticle abstract and link via email - Share figures or tables viaemail - As a dedicated open-access journal, all case reports areaccessible for free
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (JSFA) is nowavailable on your Android device. JSFA brings you a stimulating,high-impact mixture of Review Articles, Highlights, Communications,and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,and keep up to date with the most important developments inagriculture and food science: - Stay current with the latestarticles through Early View - Receive alerts when new issues areavailable (opt in) - Save your favorite articles for quick and easyaccess, including offline - Full screen figure and table viewer -No subscription? Abstracts are freely available and some fullcontent, plus a free sample issue, is included. The Journal of theScience of Food and Agriculture publishes peer-reviewed originalresearch, reviews, mini-reviews, perspectives and spotlights inthese areas, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary studiesat the agriculture/ food interface. SCI (Society of ChemicalIndustry) is a unique international forum where science meetsbusiness on independent, impartial ground. Anyone can join andcurrent Members include consumers, business people,environmentalists, industrialists, farmers, and researchers. TheSociety offers a chance to share information between sectors asdiverse as food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology,materials, chemicals, environmental science and safety. As well asorganising educational events, SCI awards a number of prestigioushonours and scholarships each year, publishes peer-reviewedjournals, and provides Members with news from their sectors in therespected twice-monthly magazine, Chemistry & Industry.
Pest Management Science
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pest Management Science (PMSci) is now available on your Androiddevice. PMSci brings you a stimulating, high-impact mixture ofReview Articles, Highlights, Communications, and more. Enjoy anentirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up to datewith the most important developments in crop protection and pestcontrol: - Stay current with the latest articles through Early View- Receive alerts when new issues are available (opt in) - Save yourfavorite articles for quick and easy access, including offline -Full screen figure and table viewer - No subscription? Abstractsare freely available and some full content, plus a free sampleissue, is included. Pest Management Science is the internationaljournal of research and development in crop protection and pestcontrol. Since its launch in 1970, the journal has become thepremier forum for papers on the discovery, application, and impacton the environment of products and strategies designed for pestmanagement. SCI (Society of Chemical Industry) is a uniqueinternational forum where science meets business on independent,impartial ground. Anyone can join and current Members includeconsumers, business people, environmentalists, industrialists,farmers, and researchers. The Society offers a chance to shareinformation between sectors as diverse as food and agriculture,pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, materials, chemicals, environmentalscience and safety. As well as organising educational events, SCIawards a number of prestigious honours and scholarships each year,publishes peer-reviewed journals, and provides Members with newsfrom their sectors in the respected twice-monthly magazine,Chemistry & Industry .
Biometrics App
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Biometrics promotes the use of statistical & mathematicalmethods in biosciences
Epilepsia 1.0.2134
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Epilepsia publishes current clinical and research on all aspects ofepilepsy.
Public Administration Review 1.0.2135
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Stay up to date with the latest research in public administration.
Jnl of Medical Radiation Sci 1.0.2134
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading radiography journal is now available on your Androiddevice. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences brings you astimulating, high-impact mixture of Original Research, ReviewArticles, Commentaries, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsingand reading experience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in radiography research even faster: - Stay currentwith the latest articles through Early View - Receive alerts whennew issues are available (opt in) - Download articles and issuesfor offline perusal - Save your favorite articles for quick andeasy access, including offline - Browse issues before you decide todownload them - Dynamic References show references in context -Share article abstract and link via email - Share figures or tablesvia email
Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading bioechemistry journal is now available on your mobiledevices. “Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry” brings you astimulating, high-impact mixture of Reviews, Original ResearchArticles, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and readingexperience, and keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in biotechnology and applied biochemistry researcheven faster: - Stay current with the latest articles through EarlyView - Receive alerts when new issues are available (opt in) -Download articles and issues for offline perusal - Browse issuesbefore you decide to download them - Full screen figure and tableviewer - No subscription? Abstracts are freely available and somefull content, plus a free sample issue, is included. The Journal isdedicated to rapid publication of high quality, cutting-edgeresearch at the interface between life sciences and theirtechnological exploitation. The Editors will consider papers forpublication based on their novelty, their immediate or futureimpact as well as their contribution to the advancement of medicalbiotechnology, bioengineering, biomaterials, biosensing, andnanotechnology. The topics include: applied aspects of cellularphysiology and metabolism of bacteria, fungi, animal, and plantcells; animal-cell biotechnology; plant-cell biotechnology;biochemical engineering, bioseparation and other downstreamprocesses including chromatography; drug design and proteinmodelling; systems biology and synthetic biology; gene and proteintherapy; biomaterials; regenerative medicine, stem cells and tissueengineering; analytical biotechnology including bio-imaging andbio-sensing; nano-biotechnology; bioactivity and toxicity mechanismstudies including apoptosis.
Biochemistry and Molecular Bio
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Articles in biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, cellbiology
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading inorganic chemistry journal is now available on yourAndroid tablet or smartphone. ZAAC brings you original papers onnew relevant research results from all areas of inorganicchemistry, solid state chemistry, and coordination chemistry. Enjoyan entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up todate with the most important developments in inorganic chemicalresearch even faster: • Stay current with the latest articlesthrough Early View – updated almost daily. • Be notified when a newarticle on your favorite topic, or a new issue is available. •Download articles and issues for offline perusal. • Save yourfavorite articles for quick and easy access. • Share articles withcolleagues or students. • Access your personal or institutionalsubscription on your device.
Journal of Advanced Nursing 1.0.2134
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This world-leading journal is now available on your Android device.Journal of Advanced Nursing contributes to the advancement ofevidence-based nursing, midwifery and healthcare by disseminatinghigh quality research and scholarship of contemporary relevance andwith potential to advance knowledge for practice, education,management or policy. With a mixture of original research, reviewarticles, discussion papers and concept analysis, the JAN app willallow you to enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,enabling you to keep up to date with the most importantdevelopments in nursing research even faster. Including: - Staycurrent with the latest articles through Early View - Receivealerts when new issues are available (opt in) - Download articlesand issues for offline perusal - Save your favourite articles forquick and easy access, including offline - Browse issues before youdecide to download them - Dynamic References show references incontext - Full screen figure and table viewer - Links to compatiblesupporting information for articles (not available offline) - Sharearticle abstract and link via email - Share figures or tables viaemail - No subscription? Abstracts are freely available and somefull content, plus a free sample issue, is included. The Journal ofAdvanced Nursing (JAN) is a world-leading international peerreviewed Journal, informing practice and policy worldwide throughresearch and scholarship. JAN targets readers who are committed toadvancing practice and professional development on the basis of newknowledge and evidence. Published issues feature Research Articles,Review Articles, Discussion Papers and Concept Analysis Papers.
BJU International
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This leading urology journal is now available on your Androiddevice. BJUI provides the highest standard of research and clinicalinformation for the urological community, keeping you aware of newadvances and best practice in urology. Enjoy an entirely newbrowsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with the mostimportant developments in urology even faster: - Stay current withthe latest articles through Early View - Download articles andissues for offline reading - Be notified when each new monthlyissue is available - Get alerts when articles using selectedkeywords are published - Save your favorite articles for quick andeasy access - Share articles with colleagues or students via email- Full screen figure and table viewer - Check references whilereading without losing your place BJUI aims to provide the veryhighest standard of research and clinical information for theurological community, promoting awareness of new advances andsupporting best practice in urology. BJUI publishes clinicallyrelevant original articles, reviews, comments and educationalarticles on adult and paediatric urology. The journal covers theentire breadth of urology under the following sections: Comments,Reviews, Urological Oncology (all areas of urological oncology aswell as recent advances in diagnostic techniques), Robotics andLaparoscopy, Upper Urinary Tract, Functional Urology, SexualMedicine, Paediatrics, Translational Science, Surgical Educationand Step-by-Step.
Functional Ecology 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Functional Ecology Journal app keeps you up to date with allthe latest research in your area of organismal ecology, coveringboth animals and plants. Journal issues can be read in full, givingyou all the latest news and research in field, with podcasts andvideos giving additional expert insight and opinion. Download theapp today to enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,where you can: • Download and read the most recent issues of thisinfluential Journal • Stay current with the latest articlespublished • Be notified when a new issue is available • Save yourfavourite articles for quick and easy access offline • Browse andbookmark articles from all available issues • Browse and zoom in onimages • Share links to your favourite articles with colleagues andfriends
Journal of Ecology 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Journal of Ecology app keeps you up to date with all the latestresearch in your area of plant ecology. Journal issues can be readin full, giving you all the latest news and research in field, withpodcasts and videos giving additional expert insight and opinion.Download the app today to enjoy an entirely new browsing andreading experience, where you can: - Download and read the mostrecent issues of this influential Journal - Stay current with thelatest articles published - Be notified when a new issue isavailable - Save your favourite articles for quick and easy accessoffline - Browse, search and bookmark articles from all availableissues - Browse and zoom in on images - Share links to yourfavourite articles with colleagues and friends
Journal of Food Science 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The goal of the Journal of Food Science is to offer scientists,researchers, and other food professionals the opportunity to shareknowledge of scientific advancements in the myriad disciplinesaffecting their work, through a respected peer-reviewedpublication. The Journal of Food Science serves as an internationalforum for vital research and developments in food science. Therange of topics covered in the journal include: - Concise Reviewsand Hypotheses in Food Science - Food Chemistry - Food Engineeringand Physical Properties - Food Microbiology and Safety - Sensoryand Food Quality - Nanoscale Food Science, Engineering, andTechnology - Health, Nutrition, and Food - Toxicology and ChemicalFood Safety The Journal of Food Science publishes peer-reviewedarticles that cover all aspects of food science, including safetyand nutrition.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (Biofpr) is now available onyour Android device. Biofpr brings you a stimulating, high-impactmixture of Review Articles, Highlights, Communications, and more.Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep upto date with the most important developments in sustainableproducts, fuels and energy: - Stay current with the latest articlesthrough Early View - Receive alerts when new issues are available(opt in) - Save your favorite articles for quick and easy access,including offline - Full screen figure and table viewer - Nosubscription? Abstracts are freely available and some full content,plus a free sample issue, is included. Biofuels, Bioproducts andBiorefining is a vital source of information on sustainableproducts, fuels and energy. Examining the spectrum of internationalscientific research and industrial development along the entiresupply chain, The journal publishes a balanced mixture ofpeer-reviewed critical reviews, commentary, business newshighlights, policy updates and patent intelligence. Biofuels,Bioproducts and Biorefining is dedicated to fostering growth in thebiorenewables sector and serving its growing interdisciplinarycommunity by providing a unique, systems-based insight intotechnologies in these fields as well as their industrialdevelopment.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Headache publishes Reviews, Research and more in the field of headand face pain
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (JCTB) is nowavailable on your Andriod device. JCTB brings you a stimulating,high-impact mixture of Review Articles, Highlights, Communications,and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,and keep up to date with the most important developments inchemical and biological technology: - Stay current with the latestarticles through Early View - Receive alerts when new issues areavailable (opt in) - Save your favorite articles for quick and easyaccess, including offline - Full screen figure and table viewer -No subscription? Abstracts are freely available and some fullcontent, plus a free sample issue, is included. Journal of ChemicalTechnology and Biotechnology (JCTB) is an international,inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal concerned with theapplication of scientific discoveries and advancements in chemicaland biological technology that aim towards economically andenvironmentally sustainable industrial processes. SCI (Society ofChemical Industry) is a unique international forum where sciencemeets business on independent, impartial ground. Anyone can joinand current Members include consumers, business people,environmentalists, industrialists, farmers, and researchers. TheSociety offers a chance to share information between sectors asdiverse as food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology,materials, chemicals, environmental science and safety. As well asorganising educational events, SCI awards a number of prestigioushonours and scholarships each year, publishes peer-reviewedjournals, and provides Members with news from their sectors in therespected twice-monthly magazine, Chemistry & Industry
Wiley Efficient Learning 3.34.1
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Turn downtime into study time. Stream or download Video Lessons,create custom Flash Card Decks, and quiz yourself with practicequestions in the Test Bank. Track your progress by syncing TestBank questions and flashcard activity across devices. Includes: -Online and offline access - Custom Test Bank quizzes with answerexplanations - Custom Flash Card decks - Video Lessons with customvideo playlists ((if available in your online course) - Flagquestions for review - Content Recommendations based on your quizresults (CPA, CFA, and CMA courses only) - Student and MentorForums (if available in your online course)
Pediatric Allergy & Immunology 1.0.2134
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading pediatric allergy journal is now available on yourAndroid device. “Pediatric Allergy and Immunology” app is theleading source of information on the understanding and treatment ofimmune deficiency and allergic inflammatory and infectious diseasesin children. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,and keep up to date with the most important developments inpediatric allergy research even faster: • Stay current with thelatest articles through Early View • Be notified when a new issueis available • Download your favourite articles for quick and easyaccess offline • Browse, search and bookmark articles from allavailable issues • Share links to your favourite articles withcolleagues and friends Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, anofficial journal of the European Academy of Allergy and ClinicalImmunology, is the world’s leading journal in pediatric allergy,publishing original contributions and comprehensive reviews relatedto the understanding and treatment of immune deficiency andallergic inflammatory and infectious diseases in children. Otherareas of interest include: - development of specific and accessoryimmunity - the immunological interaction during pregnancy andlactation between mother and child. The European Academy of Allergyand Clinical Immunology (EAACI) is an association including 39European National Societies National Societies, more than 3,500academicians, research investigators and clinicians aimed at: -promoting basic and clinical research - collecting, assessing anddisseminating scientific information - functioning as a scientificreference body for other scientific, health and politicalorganisations - encouraging and providing training and continuouseducation - promoting good patient care in this important area ofmedicine.
AEM Education and Training
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
AEM Education and Training is now available on your tabletandphone. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience,andkeep up to date with the latest AEM E&T content,anytime,anywhere: - Receive alerts when new issues are available(opt in) -Download articles and issues for offline perusal - Saveyourfavorite articles for quick and easy access, including offline-Full screen figure and table viewer - Access your personalorinstitutional subscription to AEM E&T on your device
Jnl of Orthopaedic Research 1.0.2132
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Journal of Orthopaedic Research is the forum for therapidpublication of high quality reports of new information on thefullspectrum of orthopaedic research, including lifesciences,engineering, translational, and clinical studies.
British Education Research Jnl 1.0.2135
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A leading education journal is now available on your Androiddevice.“British Journal of Educational Research” isinterdisciplinary inapproach, and includes reports of casestudies, experiments andsurveys, discussions of conceptual andmethodological issues and ofunderlying assumptions in educationalresearch, accounts of researchin progress, and book reviews. Enjoyan entirely new browsing andreading experience, and keep up todate with the most importantdevelopments in education researcheven faster: - Stay current withthe latest articles through EarlyView - Receive alerts when newissues are available (opt in) -Download articles and issues foroffline perusal - Full screenfigure and table viewer - Links tocompatible supportinginformation for articles (not availableoffline) - No subscription?Abstracts are freely available and somefull content, plus a freesample issue, is included. The BritishEducational Research Journalis an international peer reviewedmedium for the publication ofarticles of interest to researchers ineducation and has rapidlybecome a major focal point for thepublication of educationalresearch from throughout the world.
International Journal of Psychology
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The International Journal of Psychology (IJP) is now availableonyour Android device. Enjoy an entirely new browsing andreadingexperience, and keep up to date with the mostimportantdevelopments in the field: - Stay current with the latestarticlesthrough Early View - Receive alerts when new issues areavailable(opt in) - Save your favorite articles for quick and easyaccess,including offline - Dynamic References show references incontext -Share article abstract and link via email - Access yourpersonal orinstitutional subscription to IJP on your device - Nosubscription?Abstracts are freely available and some full content,plus a freesample issue, is included. The International Journal ofPsychology(IJP) advances psychological research of interest andrelevance forthe human condition around the world, and serves asthe outlet forinternationally relevant basic and applied researchin scientificpsychology. Contributions are encouraged from allfields ofpsychology, especially those that address new developmentsandpursue innovative approaches. Particularly welcome arearticlesthat either (a) incorporate perspectives from differentareaswithin psychology or from disciplines of relevance forpsychology,(b) study the role of physical, social and culturalcontexts inpsychological processes and outcomes, or (c)integratepsychological thinking from different regions in theworld. IJPpublishes Brief Research Reports, Regular EmpiricalArticles,Reviews, and Special Sections with a particular thematicfocus.Relevance for an international readership is our prominentgoal.IJP does not publish technical articles, or clinical casestudies.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
PM&R is the official scientific journal of the AmericanAcademyof Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R). It isamonthly, peer reviewed, scholarly publication. It aims to beaninternationally leading journal that advances education andimpactsthe specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitationthrough thetimely delivery of clinically relevant andevidence-based researchand review information. Contributions fromall parts of the worldand from all types of professions inrehabilitation are thereforeencouraged. Topics covered includeacute and chronicmusculoskeletal disorders and pain, neurologicconditions involvingthe central and peripheral nervous systems,rehabilitation ofimpairments associated with disabilities in adultsand children,and neurophysiology and electrodiagnosis. PM&Remphasizesprinciples of injury, function, and rehabilitation, andis designedto be relevant to practitioners and researchers in avariety ofmedical and surgical specialties and rehabilitationdisciplinesincluding allied health. The content of PM&Rincludes articlesthat are contemporary and important to bothresearch and clinicalpractice. The various sections of the journalinclude originalresearch such as clinical trials, outcomes studies,and clinicallyrelevant translational science; reviews (narrativeand analytical);clinical letters; point/counterpoint debates;ethical/legal topics;practice management updates; statisticalthemes; editorial andopinion pieces; images; clinical pearls;emerging issues; andletters to the editor.